I had carried on knitting round and round the blanket all over christmas and everyone who saw it couldn't understand how it was going to end up square (I started to have a few doubts myself). I finished the edges with 4 rounds of seed stitch which is the same as the top of the teddy's pocket and once I'd washed it I was AMAZED how square it came out. I've used my teddy, Teddy to show how I'm envisaging new teddy sleeping under the blanket. [My Teddy.. been with me since I was 4.. looking a bit tired now but still in one piece although his head it very wobbly]
Then I set to knitting the teddy...
So all that there is for me to do now, is send it off to the new family.. but while I'm here I'll also show you the card that I made for them.. i'm rather proud. (yes there are 5 of them.. mum dad, big bro, sis and little bro!!)
Ohhh! How sweet!
Lovely job! Lucky baby!
This Blog seems a bit neglected!!!
Surely our new cushion should be up there.
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