A slightly late christmas present is currently on my needles.. and I don't mean my little sticks I mean my MACHINE NEEDLES.. I love my knitting machine.

One of the weird things about machine knitting is how much the edges curl in when they are being knitted.. It takes a LOT of steaming to uncurl them afterwards and a dear chum commented that this curling back under made them perfect to copy a scarf she once saw.

I bought it off ebay late 2007 and then enrolled at a evening class to learn to use it. I've made a few things on it, a wedding blanket for some friends this summer but mainly it's been used for socks. (I love socks almost as much as I love my knitting machine).

One of the weird things about machine knitting is how much the edges curl in when they are being knitted.. It takes a LOT of steaming to uncurl them afterwards and a dear chum commented that this curling back under made them perfect to copy a scarf she once saw.
This christmas I aimed to make her one of these beloved scarfs. I decided on 20 needles wide.. the scarf is only about an inch wide when it curls in but I think it's mainly for beauty rather than warmth and each loop is 100 rows long. I wanted the seams of the links to be as seamless as possible, so rather than cast off each time I transferred the stitched on to real needles (oh dearie me) and hand grafted them with kitchener stitch
So here it is on the machine.. The little green section is a block of waste yarn so that I didn't have to cast off and on again for each loop. It was these green stitches that I transferred onto real needles to graft off. i'm also not knitting on the middle of the machine.. this might be bad practice by it was mainly because my table is a bit weeny and to knit in the middle I'd keep banging into the wall.
I'd really like inspirational pictures of loveliness over my desk but I currently have a star.. it's nice and all but it's just not made of wool is it?? one of my new year resolutions is to sort out this room so that there is enough space for all things science and boyey and my shit (I mean creative masterwork)
so finally this is what the scarf looks like now..
Obviously it's going to get a bit longer.. I don't think it will provide much warmth but at least it can wrap around her neck.
Oh and pleased as I am with this scarf present idea, I was TOTALLY blown away by my pressie from Lady Kitsch
Well that's very confusing. I was just wondering how I managed to miss this post all the way back on the 13th, when I realised that Blogger was also telling me it was posted 2 days ago. So maybe this took two weeks to write?
Anyhoo, very exciting to see my lovely scarf in progress! Hope you're feeling better!
it was two weeks to write.. I think it might be a pattern with your scarf.
1 month to knit,
2 weeks to write about
and 1 week to deliver!!
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