the first was at my place of work, I'd gone to the farmers' market (and bought a fair amount of cheese) and just as I was leaving I saw a sign saying 'craft fair in the red bar'. It took me a while to find the red bar but after much searching I finally opened the door on a bar decorated in the aforementioned colour.. in one corner of this enormous room were 3 little tables.. already i'm thinking not much of a fair.. I went over and investigated further and found 2 tables selling craft.. one lady had strung bits of dolly tea sets on necklaces which reminded me a lot of a good chum and another had a range of scary creatures made of felted jumpers.. I wasn't over excited and came away with just a bunch of mistletoe for a squid.
So the second craft fair was at the art college rather close to home.. I even left work early to get to this one as I had VERY high hopes.. I'd drawn out a LOT of cash (some was meant for the wallet of The Admiral but I thought in an EMERGENCY I could spend it and reimburse). Alas once again I had to hunt for this fair and when I found it there were maybe 8 stalls but still nothing very exciting. 2 stalls were selling second hand clothes.. no actual crafting done so I think that's cheating and rather randomly the same 2 stalls as from earlier in the day.
All in all I as a bit disappointed until on meeting miss sporty for lunch she said that there was a craft fair at the Create centre in bristol (the home of becksini) which is a lovely recyclylyly hippy place that the council run (quite hard to describe unless you've been there). After my tea this evening (beauf bourginone if you were wondering) I popped over and it was FABDABBYDOSY. My favourite lady is called joanne Rose and she makes beautiful crockery by putting snazzy transfers of flowers and stuff on.. admiral's favourite mug was fashioned by this craftser and so he was rather keen to purchase some more of her ware.. he bought a beautiful teapot and pair of mugs for his grandpares for crimbo and I felt it wasn't fair for me not to get a pressie too.. 
Look at this little cutie.. (oh another little story.. when my pares were first married my dad painted vegetables dancing round their kitchen.. I kinda imagine they might have looked a bit like this).
oh and I nearly forgot.. why the title of craft and the clap.. well I didn't tell you about the third table at the first craft fair.. hand made lovliness?? no it was a stall offering free clamidia tests (which strictly speaking isn't the clap.. but ley me get away with a bit of artistic licence)
lurve kx
I was debating whether to go to the Create Centre fair today, but decided to stay home in the warm. I thought it would be all vegetable batik smocks...
Hello Katy, thought I'd better leave a message to show how eagerly I'm following your blog. However I hope I don't let the side down with my lack of creative input.
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